Origin of Kumbhmela
Held every 4th years, the Kumbh Mela
is one of the biggest events for the Indian Hindu community. The exact
origin of the Kumbh Mela is very hard to pinpoint.
The fair is a primitive one and the reason it is held can
be traced back to the ancient episode of 'Sagar Manthan' .Kumbh Mela
derives its name from the immortal - Pot of Nectar - described in
ancient Vedic scriptures known as the Puranas. Kumbha in Sanskrit
language means 'pot or pitcher'. Mela means 'festival'. Thus Kumbh Mela
literally means festival of the pot.
History of Kumbhmela
It is not exactly known since when did people
begin to hold Kumbh Mela; it is widely known how this spectacle of faith
has attracted the curiosity of foreigners across the world. The famous
Chinese traveler Hiuen-Tsang was probably the first person to mention
Kumbh Mela in his diary.
In the 8th century, the great Indian saint
Shankara popularized the Kumbh Mela among the common people. With each
passing year the fair began to be attended by more and more people.
1977, the number of pilgrims attending Kumbh Mela had grown to a record
15 million! By 1989, the attendance was approximately 29 million!!
Today, more than 60 million people is said to attend the Maha Kumbh
Mela, making it the largest gathering anywhere in the world.
Five Types of Kumbh Melas
• Maha Kumbh Mela - occurring every 144 years - only in Allahabad.
• Purna Kumbh Mela - after every 12 years - last one took place in January 2001 in
• Ardh Kumbh - 6th year after Kumbh Mela.
• Kumbh Mela - every 3rd years, rotating through Prayag, Nasik, Haridwar and Ujjain.
• Magh Mela - Annual, held every year except years of Kumbh Mela and
Ardh Kumbh Mela Held in Magh (Jan-Feb); hence the name. Only in
Recent Kumbhmelas
• In 2001,Kumbh Mela was held in Allahabad. It is estimated that about 60 million people took a bath in the river Ganges.
• The 2003Kumbh Mela was held in Nasik, India from 27th July to 7th September.
• In 2007 more than 30 million people visited Ardha Kumbh Mela at Prayag in allahabad.
• In 2010 Kumbh Mela was held in Haridwar. Millions of Hindu pilgrims attended the Mela. |
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